This article is a supplement to the ServiceNow documentation. For full documentation please refer ServiceNow official website
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Use case

Customer wants an excel as a attachment in the mail with the list of all users in SNOW who are using the below Dashboards at what time.

  • Test-DB
  • Test-Backup



To achive this we will create a scheduled job

  1. Navigate to System Defination > scheduled job scheduledjob190120211.JPG

  2. Click on New Button scheduledjob190120212.JPG

  3. Select “Automatically run a script your choosing


  1. Fillup fileds as required. scheduledjob190120214.JPG


 var SUBJECT = "Dashboards Reports";
var RECIPENTS = [""];
//var EMAIL_BODY = "Please note that this mail is for users information in SNOW who are all using the below Dahsboards :Test-DB ; Test-Backup";
var REPORT_COLUMNS = ["Dashboard Name", "Viewer", "Time(UTC)"];
var CSV_NAME = "Dashboard Details.csv";
//var DASHBOARD_VIEW = "CMDB Dashboard - CMDB View";
var DASHBOARD_VIEW = ["Test-DB", "Test- Backup"];
var EMAIL_BODY = "Please find Dashboard Usage information for " + DASHBOARD_VIEW.toString();

//Inserting record in sys_email table
var mailGr = new GlideRecord('sys_email');
mailGr.type = 'send-ignored';
mailGr.notification_type = 'SMTP';
mailGr.subject = SUBJECT;
mailGr.recipients = RECIPENTS.toString();
mailGr.body = '<html><head></head><body>' + EMAIL_BODY + '<div>&nbsp;</div><div style="display:inline">PFA the csv.</div></body></html>';
mailGr.content_type = 'multipart/mixed';

var csvData = REPORT_COLUMNS.toString() + "\r\n";
var content = '';

//Extracting data from Navigator history table
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_ui_navigator_history');
gr.addEncodedQuery("descriptionIN" + DASHBOARD_VIEW.toString() + "^sys_created_onONLast 60 days@javascript:gs.beginningOfLast60Days()@javascript:gs.endOfLast60Days()^title=Dashboard");
while ( {
    content = '';
    content = content + gr.description + ",";
    content = content + gr.user.getDisplayValue() + ",";
    content = content + gr.sys_created_on + "\r\n";
    csvData = csvData + content;

//Inserting in sys_attachement table of mailgr record.
var sa = new GlideSysAttachment();
sa.write(mailGr, CSV_NAME, 'application/csv', csvData);

var attachmentget = new GlideSysAttachment();
var agr = attachmentget.getAttachments('sys_email', mailGr.sys_id);
if ( {
    var sysEmailAttachment = new GlideRecord('sys_email_attachment');
    sysEmailAttachment.attachment = agr.sys_id;
    sysEmailAttachment.file_name = agr.file_name.toString();
    sysEmailAttachment.source = 'notification';
    sysEmailAttachment.content_disposition = 'attachment'; = mailGr.sys_id;

mailGr.type = 'send-ready';

Then RECIPENTS( will receive a mail with an excel with below details:


## Another example ( youtube video source code)

Email Attachment

//This will be email Subject
var SUBJECT = "Monthly Reports";

//Recipent list
var RECIPENTS = [""];

//Mention report columns here
var REPORT_COLUMNS = ["Incident Number", "Short Description", "Assigned To"];

//Name of the CSV
var CSV_NAME = "Incident Tracker.csv";

//Email body static content
var EMAIL_BODY = "Please find attached Incident updated this month";

//Instance URL
var instanceURL = gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri');

//SRAPI URL that we will create in later half of this video
var restAPIEndpoint = "api/196834/download_link/reports";
var downloadLink = instanceURL + restAPIEndpoint;

//Inserting record in sys_email table
var mailGr = new GlideRecord('sys_email');

//email should be send when we are ready.let us pause in the queue
mailGr.type = 'send-ignored';
mailGr.notification_type = 'SMTP';
mailGr.subject = SUBJECT;
mailGr.recipients = RECIPENTS.toString();
mailGr.content_type = 'multipart/mixed';

var csvData = REPORT_COLUMNS.toString() + "\r\n";
var content = '';

//Extracting data from Incident table
var gr = new GlideRecord('incident');
gr.addEncodedQuery("sys_updated_onONThis month@javascript:gs.beginningOfThisMonth()@javascript:gs.endOfThisMonth()");
while ( {
    content = '';
    content = content + gr.number + ",";
    content = content + gr.short_description + ",";

    //The new line is important it should be added on the last column value
    content = content + gr.assigned_to.getDisplayValue() + "\r\n";

    csvData = csvData + content;

//Inserting in sys_attachement table of mailgr record.
var sa = new GlideSysAttachment();
sa.write(mailGr, CSV_NAME, 'application/csv', csvData);

var attachmentget = new GlideSysAttachment();
var agr = attachmentget.getAttachments('sys_email', mailGr.sys_id);
if ( {

    //Additionally we have to link the mailgr with an entry in sys_email_attachment
    var sysEmailAttachment = new GlideRecord('sys_email_attachment');
    sysEmailAttachment.attachment = agr.sys_id;
    sysEmailAttachment.file_name = agr.file_name.toString();
    sysEmailAttachment.source = 'notification';
    sysEmailAttachment.content_disposition = 'attachment'; = mailGr.sys_id;

    //construct download link ( will be used when user click on downlink in email)
    downloadLink = downloadLink + "/" + agr.sys_id;

//construct email body
mailGr.body = '<html><head></head><body>' + EMAIL_BODY + 'Optionally you can download also from this <a href="'+downloadLink+'">link</a></body></html>';

//All ok now tag email as ready so that notification queue picks up and send email
mailGr.type = 'send-ready';


Scripted restApi

(function process( /*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {

    //Extract the sysid of the attachment from the request url
    var attachment_sys_id = request.pathParams.sys_id + '';
    //Construct headers
    var hdrs = {};
    hdrs['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream';

    //Get filename from attachment table.This will be the name that user will see when link is clicked
    var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
    gr.addQuery('sys_id', attachment_sys_id);
    if ( {
        hdrs['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=' + gr.file_name;

    //write the content as output stream
    var writer = response.getStreamWriter();
    var attachmentStream = new GlideSysAttachmentInputStream(attachment_sys_id);

})(request, response);